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A perfect smile is a click away!


Dr. Shankar Iyer, Prosthodontist –
Founder and CEO of Malo Smile USA

A Prosthodontist is a dental specialist who focuses on restoring and replacing teeth. They have advanced training and expertise in diagnosing and treating complex dental conditions related to missing teeth, jaw structures, and dental prosthetics. The work of a Prosthodontist involves several key areas:

Dental Prosthetics: Prosthodontists are experts in creating and fitting dental prosthetics, including crowns, bridges, dentures, and dental implants. They design and fabricate these prosthetic devices to restore the function, aesthetics, and oral health of patients with missing or damaged teeth.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Prosthodontists specialize in comprehensive and complex full mouth rehabilitation cases. This involves planning and executing treatment plans for patients with extensive tooth loss, worn dentition, bite problems, or those requiring multiple restorative procedures. They carefully consider the patient’s oral health, facial aesthetics, and functional requirements to develop customized treatment plans.

Dental Implants: Prosthodontists play a crucial role in the restoration of dental implants. They assess the patient’s suitability for dental implants, plan the implant placement in collaboration with oral surgeons or periodontists, and design and place the implant-supported crowns, bridges, or dentures. Prosthodontists ensure that the implant-supported restorations are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Prosthodontists have expertise in cosmetic dentistry procedures aimed at improving the appearance of a patient’s smile. They can perform treatments such as dental veneers, teeth whitening, and composite bonding to enhance the aesthetics of teeth and create a more attractive smile.

TMJ Disorders: Prosthodontists diagnose and manage temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which can cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty in jaw movement. They develop treatment plans that may include the use of splints, oral appliances, or other therapeutic interventions to alleviate TMJ-related symptoms.

Complex Restorations: Prosthodontists handle challenging cases involving extensive dental restorations, such as those requiring full mouth reconstruction, management of dental trauma, or correction of congenital dental anomalies. They collaborate with other dental specialists to develop comprehensive treatment plans to restore oral function and aesthetics.

Collaborative Approach: Prosthodontists often work closely with other dental specialists, such as oral surgeons, periodontists, and orthodontists, to ensure comprehensive and interdisciplinary care for patients. They coordinate treatment plans and collaborate to achieve the best possible outcomes for complex cases.

Overall, the work of a Prosthodontist revolves around restoring and replacing teeth to improve a patient’s oral health, function, and aesthetics. Their expertise in dental prosthetics, dental implants, full mouth rehabilitation, and cosmetic dentistry makes them indispensable in managing complex dental cases and helping patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles.