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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that aims to lighten the shade of your teeth, making them appear whiter and brighter. This non-invasive procedure effectively removes stains and discoloration caused by various factors. Here’s how teeth whitening works and how patients can benefit from this cosmetic dental treatment:

Evaluation and Customization: Before the treatment, we evaluate your oral health and assess the type and extent of discoloration. This evaluation helps determine the most suitable whitening method for you. We may also take impressions of your teeth to create custom trays for at-home whitening or ensure proper application of in-office whitening products.

Removal of Surface Stains: The process primarily targets surface stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, tobacco, and certain foods. The whitening products contain active ingredients, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which penetrate the enamel to break down these stains and discoloration.

In-Office Whitening: In-office whitening involves the application of a professional-grade whitening gel directly onto the teeth. The gel is activated with a special light or laser, which helps accelerate the whitening process. This procedure is typically performed in a single appointment and can achieve noticeable results quickly.

At-Home Whitening: At-home whitening involves using custom-fit trays provided by your dentist and a whitening gel. You will be instructed on how to apply the gel to the trays and how long to wear them daily. At-home whitening usually takes several days or weeks to achieve the desired results.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening:

a. Enhanced Aesthetics: The most obvious benefit of teeth whitening is the improved appearance of your smile. Whiter teeth can make you look more youthful, healthy, and attractive, boosting your self-confidence and overall satisfaction with your smile.

b. Reduced Stains and Discoloration: Teeth whitening effectively removes surface stains and discoloration caused by external factors. It can significantly brighten your teeth and help restore their natural shade.

c. Non-Invasive and Quick: Teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure that does not require drilling or removal of tooth structure. In-office whitening can provide noticeable results in just one appointment. In contrast, at-home whitening offers flexibility and convenience.d. Customizable Options: With professional teeth whitening, your dentist can customize the treatment to suit your specific needs and goals. They can determine the appropriate strength of the whitening products and recommend the most suitable method for you. e. Safe and Effective: Teeth whitening treatments performed by dental professionals are generally safe and effective when used as directed. Dentists have the knowledge and expertise to ensure proper application, reducing the risk of gum and tooth sensitivity.

It’s important to note that whitening may not be effective for all types of discoloration. For instance, it may not be effective on intrinsic stains within the tooth or due to certain medications or dental conditions. Consult Malo Smile USA at our Elizabeth location because it s crucial to determine if teeth whitening suits you and to discuss any alternative treatments that may be more appropriate for your specific case.

Call our friendly team today at (908)-527-8880 and arrange your consultation.